Thursday, February 25, 2010

So I know that I said that I need to learn to say, "no" but how exactly do you go about that?

Please...tell me.

I would really like to take a year off from PTA. What do I do when no one else will step up and do the job? How do I say, " Sorry I don't want to? Sorry if that means our school PTA falls apart?" Not that everything is dependent upon me. But we are losing numbers quickly and one more just gets us that much closer to no one. I am not making myself out to be all-important.... believe me.

At what point do I get to say, "hey! somebody else step up"? And what if they don't? This is my children's school. Well, next year it will only be Jack's school.

I was talking it over with a friend today, who is in the same position as I. We have both been on the board for 5 years. Isn't it time for some new blood?

Let me know how to get that new blood, so I can say, "Thanks. I had my turn."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, manipulation time!! Personal recruitment is how I do it (i.e. face to face guilt). Find some of those new moms and invite them to meetings. Tell them that x,y,z part of their personality would be perfect for x,y,z part of PTA. That their face/name immediately came to mind when the talk of x,y,z came up and you just had to share it with them. Tell them that part of your legacy is finding the right person to replace you and you just know "she" is the right lady.
    And then pour on the guilt!! But it has to be you seeking them out, face to face, as individuals or it will never work.
    And then YOU SAY NO!!!
