Sunday, April 25, 2010


Do you ever have those days where you are so insanely jealous of something that you get mean about it? I have NUMEROUS friends who have been losing weight and inches lately. I am so jealous that the thoughts in my head are mean. I weigh more know than when ever, except for being pregnant. Pants that used to fit, don't. Ugh.

The biggest problem? I know what to do about it. I know that I need to take/find the time. I use our insane schedule as an excuse for not having enough time. THat and I am one of those that doesn't like to work out or exercise after I have showered and dressed in the morning. Soccer twice a week doesn't really seem to cut it. Better than nothing, but not enough.

I went to PT the other day. having some serious trouble with my back. Always have. Ever since I broke my leg anyways. The x-ray shows that I have a compressed disc. It needs to be stretched out. Hence the PT. Well, the therapist basically said that my core muscles suck. Not really his words, but what I heard. He has me doing these super-kegel exercises. Maybe since I ahve to be accountable every week it will make a difference.

Maybe with the strength of my core muscles no one will ask me when I am due. Once can only hope!

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