Friday, April 16, 2010

As the boys get older and our schedules get crazier finding family time is hard. I used to wonder about those people that didn't sit around the table every night eating together. Really? Why not?

Now I know. Life happens. While one child walks in the door from track practice the next one walks out for a baseball game. While the littlest one has a t-ball game. Somehow I am the taxi that gets them to all of these events. Which is ok, except for the fact that I usually end up dropping one off and picking one up, and somehow I miss dinner all together. Not that I couldn't afford to miss a meal or two, but still.

So tonight? Konley had baseball practice. Normally one would take and stay and the other would hang out at home with the other two. Not tonight. Tonight "family time" was on the ball field. We hung out and played. Jeff played pass with Keegan, Jack rode his scooter and I sat and watched. Smiling. At my family. The one that doesn't seem to have time to breathe lately.

Then we came home. Yes it was 7:45. Yes, we had not yet eaten. Yes, we sat down together. And it wasn't McDonald's. I made chicken earlier in the day. Add some potatoes and biscuits and we actually had family dinner. At the table together.

Don't worry too much. We actually eat together alot. It's just not your normal 6 pm around the table. Sometimes it's 8. Sometimes it 5. Sometimes it's only 3 or 4 of us, but I still believe that, no matter what my boys need us with them at the table. One or 2, 4 or 5, it still counts.


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