Thursday, June 3, 2010

The end of the year brings so many different things. Dread for summer....what will these boys do together all summer without killing each other? Hope for summer... will it please pretty please be warm? But right now it's just a bit of anxiousness. (makin' up words too)

So my middle will be moving on to middle school. My baby will finish kindergarten and be gone all day next year. My oldest will be a teenager. I am trying to put together the program for the 5th grade moving up ceremony. It's going slowly. I am currently supposed to be cuttting out 85 stars and their shooting tails. THe tails are done, the stars not so much. But if I finish them it will actually happen.

I am not really ready for this next independent stage. I know that they grow up and I am ok with that. There are just some stages that hit you more than others. This year is big for everyone. I turned 40. My sister is moving to CO tomorrow to live with her boyfriend and finish school. Konley will be 11 and moves to middle school. Keegan will be a teenager at the top of middle school. And Jack will be 6 and moving on to all day school, where I will have to make his lunch every morning and not see him again until he gets off the bus at nearly 4 o'clock. My mom has a big bday (she doesn't want it to happen so I won't post the number). We have our 15th anniversary.

It's a big year. Just getting over a lot of humps. God only gives us as much as we can handle. I know this and I can handle it. There just might be a hiccup or tear or two along the way!

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