Monday, September 12, 2011

There are days...

    There are days where I really feel as though I don't know what I am doing. More like which way I am going. Even though I started working at Emerson last year, it was November. The kids had the routine down. They knew their numbers, they knew their teacher, they knew the Make Your Day citizenship program that we had, they knew what was going on...even if I didn't.

This year? Totally on me. This year we still have 5 lunches, but the time from beginning of the first to the end of the last has been shortened by 25 minutes. That's alot of time to have squished together. I feel like I am on a rollercoaster. Especially with the 1st graders. Who no longer have 1st lunch. They have 3rd, so they can't come in early. We have over 110 1st graders. The majority of whom buy lunch, don't know their number and can't seem to figure out that Mrs. Roberts means zip your lip when she says that we come in silently! I actually had one escape out the side doors to recess today, before lunch was actually done.

I know that somehow we will get into a routine. At some point I will be able to breathe before the end of the day, but I am not holding my breath.

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