When I said my boys were sick I guess that was an understatement.
It is so hard to sit by and watch your 14 year old choke and not be able to breathe because he is coughing so hard.
It is strange to have to report to the Snohomish Health district because he somehow contracted Whooping cough.
And yes....to all of you who have asked, with the "hairy eyeball", all of my boys have been vaccinated. with everything. just when they recommend it. I may need a tetanus booster but my boys? yep they are right on schedule and will be while they are under my care.
Whooping cough? yep it is a quarantine situation. Keegan did not leave the house from last friday until this Saturday. He barely left the couch. He wasn't even sure where his shoes were. He only left last friday to go to the doctor and the pharmacy. He hasn't been to school since tuesday the 20th. And now we are on spring break.
He stepped on the scale and lost over 8 pounds. I could easily lose 8 pounds.....him not so much at all. I don't actually know where it came from. His face is so gaunt it looked scary yesterday. He doesn't even weigh close to 100 pounds anymore. He is 5'7" and is 14. Gonna have to make him pasta for breakfast every day.
It is so hard to sit by and watch. They say that whooping cough is no londer contagious once you aer finished with your antibiotics, (which we all had to take as a precaution) but you can cough up to 4-6 weeks. Four to six weeks! That is crazy!